The didgeridoo blog!
Here, I share with you my advices, my thoughts about the didgeridoo, my music... I let you discover !
The latest publications!

10 Microphones (Recommended by Pros) for Recording and Amplifying Your Didgeridoo
If you’ve ever wondered what microphone would be the ideal companion to capture the sound of your didgeridoo, then here’s good news: you’re in the

How my Zoom H4n helps me progress with the didgeridoo
What’s better for improvement than being able to capture all the subtle modulations you produce on the didgeridoo? With a recorder, it becomes possible and

Watch out for inexpensive didgeridoos!
The temptation to buy an inexpensive wooden didgeridoo can be great. But except for a rare gift of fate, the didgeridoos in this category are
An overview of the actual didgeridoo scene

10 Microphones (Recommended by Pros) for Recording and Amplifying Your Didgeridoo
If you’ve ever wondered what microphone would be the ideal companion to capture the sound of your didgeridoo, then here’s good news: you’re in the

Didgeridoo and music: Why is it so difficult?
By the way, I’m using this article to convey part of the way I see the didgeridoo and music. Being self-taught and not having had

Didgeridoo in Europe: styles and players for each country
Arriving in Europe in the 1980s, didgeridoo really took off in the following decade. In almost 30 years, this great piece of wood has seen
Didgeridoo crafters and crafting advice

What didgeridoo to start with?
Learning to play didgeridoo is an adventure! But you are soon faced with questions, in particular: “By the way … what didgeridoo shall I buy

What pitch to choose for your first didgeridoo?
When you start to blow into a didgeridoo, there are often two questions that come up. The first asks about which didgeridoo to choose to learn to play and the second asks about the note of the instrument. So which grade to choose and how do you know if it’s right for you? To clarify this unfortunate question, we must take a step back …

How about making your own didgeridoo ?!
We cannot say that the eucalyptus trees dug by termites run through the forests in our latitudes! And it is precisely for this reason that
When the didgeridoo acts on health

Does playing the didgeridoo cures snoring?
In 2006, a study made in Zurich showed that regular practice (20 minutes per day) of didgeridoo on a three months period reduced obstructive sleep
Sharing experiences and reflections on the world!

Didgeridoo and music: Why is it so difficult?
By the way, I’m using this article to convey part of the way I see the didgeridoo and music. Being self-taught and not having had

From intuition to reason: the way to become Gandalf at the didgeridoo!
Have you ever noticed that sonorous tribes inhabit your didgeridoo? And that it was possible to walk towards them thanks to two supports which are intuition and intellect? We have nothing to envy of the Lords of the Rings! In each of our didgeridoos live many creatures.

How to make sure you lose your passion for the didgeridoo (or music)
Are you passionate about the didgeridoo? Can’t do without this drug anymore? Good news, I have THE recipe that will disgust you.
All the videos (English speaking or english subtitles)

Didgeridoo Lesson 1 | What is a didgeridoo and how to play it?
In this video, I’m going to explain you what is didgeridoo, where does it come from and how we can play it. You will see