The didgeridoo blog!

Here, I share with you my advices, my thoughts about the didgeridoo, my music... I let you discover !

The latest publications!

An overview of the actual didgeridoo scene

Didgeridoo crafters and crafting advice

Differents didgeridoos bells
Didgeridoo beginner
Gauthier Aubé

What pitch to choose for your first didgeridoo?

When you start to blow into a didgeridoo, there are often two questions that come up. The first asks about which didgeridoo to choose to learn to play and the second asks about the note of the instrument. So which grade to choose and how do you know if it’s right for you? To clarify this unfortunate question, we must take a step back …

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When the didgeridoo acts on health

Sharing experiences and reflections on the world!

All the videos (English speaking or english subtitles)

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Par exemple : choisir son didgeridoo, fabriquer son instrument, quel artiste écouter...
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